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en:begriffe:paternosterregal [13/04/2021] external edit
en:begriffe:paternosterregal [06/02/2024] (current)
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 ====== Paternoster rack ====== ====== Paternoster rack ======
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-A //​paternoster rack// is a dynamic storage system that moves storage units vertically in so-called load swing tubs. These tubs rotate vertically with the help of electric motors and bring the goods to the picker according to the "goods-to-person" ​principle.+A //​paternoster rack// is a dynamic storage system that moves storage units vertically in so-called load swing tubs. These tubs rotate vertically with the help of electric motors and bring the goods to the picker according to the [[en:​begriffe:​Ware-zur-Person|goods-to-person]] principle.
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en/begriffe/paternosterregal.1618304757.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 06/02/2024 (external edit)